Avreen 90 conj

Information about, and application guidelines

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Avreen 90 conj

Postby Avreen » Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:41 pm

1. What is the Name, Class and Level of the character You are applying with?
Avreen~90 conj

2. What chapter are You applying for : US or EU?

3. If there is no room for You on the chapter You are applying for, would You like to be placed on the reserve force instead?
Reserve is fine

4. How old are You?
Older that dirt =)

5. What timezone are You playing from / living in?

6. Have You read and understood the rules, and do You agree to respect and follow them while being a member of the Team?
I can not get acces to the rules...so if you would kindly grant that to me I would love to read them. So I am going on the premise that the rules are general raiding rules.

7. Are You considered a respectable member of the Mistmoore Community?
Too respectable...I need to do something about that! Just kidding...

8. Can You reserve a 4 hour slot each Sunday (US: 4-8pm PST // EU: 7-11pm CET) as described in the Team Rules? - If not, how many out of 10 Sundays would You miss ?
Only sundays I can not make are 3 sundays in July..will be sunning myself on the beach.

9. Have You committed this toon as available for raiding in any other guild or raiding alliance? (elaborate)

10. Did You recently betray to Your current class (how long ago) ?

11. Are You raiding high end content elsewhere on another toon? (elaborate)

12. Are You able to run Ventrilo on Your system and do You (at least) have the possibility to listen in on the conversations going on (e.g. have a working headset/speakers) ?

13. In 100 words or less, tell us a little about Yourself, Your goals in the game and Your past MMO experience
Was playing the original EQ for a few years, came over to EQ2 soon after launch. Been playing ever since. Want to see more end content, get better gear. Same as everyone else I am sure.

14. In another 100 words or less, tell us why You think You would make a good match for the team.
I'm pretty laid back, like to have a good time and dont get my panties in a bunch over silly stuff. Don't care for drama at all...thats me.

15. Have you created your character(s), including the one you are applying with on the Event Signup System?
Yep...she's there in all her Dark Elf glory!
ESS >> Avreen, 90 Conjuror
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Re: Avreen 90 conj

Postby Heihachi » Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:16 pm

Woot Av!
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Re: Avreen 90 conj

Postby Magicmelter » Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:18 pm

Welcome Avreen!
About time another Conj signed up for Team Red, although you won't be allowed to bid against me for loot. ;)
At this time we do not have an available slot for you on the main team, however I did add you to the reserve team so you can now sign up for any TR event along with any Pub event. You do have a good chance of making a good bit of the Pub raids that are generally run by Arvashi.
As far as the rules go I am currently updating those but ya, general raiding rules apply.
Good luck and cya soon!
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Re: Avreen 90 conj

Postby Avreen » Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:06 pm

Thanks! I look foward to hunting with everyone.
ESS >> Avreen, 90 Conjuror
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