(Processed) Korok's application
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:34 pm
Korok Conjuror 80 or Kairen Warden 80 as needed by Team Red
US chapter
I will accept a Reserve placement
62, really, I'm retiring this year.
Arizona Mtn time
I have read and agree to the rules.
I am a senior officer in the Order of Honor guild.
I can reserve Sunday for TR activities.
My guild also belongs to the Mistmoore raiding alliance though they do not schedule for Sunday. I would not sign up for any zone that interferes with the TR schedule.
No betrayals
Korok and Kairen are my only raiding toons.
I have Ventrilo installed on all comps.
I have been online gaming for 10 years. I have been an admin for Merentha Mud for 5 years. I roleplayed a special character for the game owners for 5 years before being made an admin.
My wife (Oocie} and I played our way through the Diablo's and EQ1 before coming home to EQ2 3 yrs ago. We enjoy the community here and work to make our characters the best we can. I have alts with 80 level Tailor, Armorer, Alchemist, and Sage to provide aid to members.
As a Mastered Mythical Conjy I can provide my class benefits and decent dps to the team. Even give Magic a break. As a Warden I am spec'd to support the raid and my group as a healer, not a wanna be dps'er. Kairen also has a mender bot and Call of the Tinker.
My characters have been created in ESS.
US chapter
I will accept a Reserve placement
62, really, I'm retiring this year.
Arizona Mtn time
I have read and agree to the rules.
I am a senior officer in the Order of Honor guild.
I can reserve Sunday for TR activities.
My guild also belongs to the Mistmoore raiding alliance though they do not schedule for Sunday. I would not sign up for any zone that interferes with the TR schedule.
No betrayals
Korok and Kairen are my only raiding toons.
I have Ventrilo installed on all comps.
I have been online gaming for 10 years. I have been an admin for Merentha Mud for 5 years. I roleplayed a special character for the game owners for 5 years before being made an admin.
My wife (Oocie} and I played our way through the Diablo's and EQ1 before coming home to EQ2 3 yrs ago. We enjoy the community here and work to make our characters the best we can. I have alts with 80 level Tailor, Armorer, Alchemist, and Sage to provide aid to members.
As a Mastered Mythical Conjy I can provide my class benefits and decent dps to the team. Even give Magic a break. As a Warden I am spec'd to support the raid and my group as a healer, not a wanna be dps'er. Kairen also has a mender bot and Call of the Tinker.
My characters have been created in ESS.