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(Processed) Korok's application

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:34 pm
by Korok
Korok Conjuror 80 or Kairen Warden 80 as needed by Team Red

US chapter

I will accept a Reserve placement

62, really, I'm retiring this year.

Arizona Mtn time

I have read and agree to the rules.

I am a senior officer in the Order of Honor guild.

I can reserve Sunday for TR activities.

My guild also belongs to the Mistmoore raiding alliance though they do not schedule for Sunday. I would not sign up for any zone that interferes with the TR schedule.

No betrayals

Korok and Kairen are my only raiding toons.

I have Ventrilo installed on all comps.

I have been online gaming for 10 years. I have been an admin for Merentha Mud for 5 years. I roleplayed a special character for the game owners for 5 years before being made an admin.

My wife (Oocie} and I played our way through the Diablo's and EQ1 before coming home to EQ2 3 yrs ago. We enjoy the community here and work to make our characters the best we can. I have alts with 80 level Tailor, Armorer, Alchemist, and Sage to provide aid to members.

As a Mastered Mythical Conjy I can provide my class benefits and decent dps to the team. Even give Magic a break. :P As a Warden I am spec'd to support the raid and my group as a healer, not a wanna be dps'er. Kairen also has a mender bot and Call of the Tinker.

My characters have been created in ESS.


PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:14 pm
by Palius
Thanks for your app Korok, I'll get you processed here shortly. Is Oocie applying as well?

Also, unless you have objection, I'm adding Kairen to the team in one of our Warden slots as there isn't an open Conjurer slot. If we're overloaded on healers for any given raid, then you're more than welcome to log Korok if he's available. :-)