(Processed) Team Red App

Information about, and application guidelines

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(Processed) Team Red App

Postby Kaynala » Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:23 pm

1. What is the Name, Class and Level of the character You are applying with? Kaynala, Fury and 80

2. What chapter are You applying for : US or EU? US

3. If there is no room for You on the chapter You are applying for, would You like to be placed on the reserve force instead? Yes

4. How old are You? 30

5. What timezone are You playing from / living in? EST

6. Have You read and understood the rules, and do You agree to respect and follow them while being a member of the Team? Yes

7. Are You considered a respectable member of the Mistmoore Community? Yes

8. Can You reserve a 4 hour slot each Sunday (US: 4-8pm PST // EU: 7-11pm CET) as described in the Team Rules? - If not, how many out of 10 Sundays would You miss ? Yes

9. Have You committed this toon as available for raiding in any other guild or raiding alliance? (elaborate) Yes, Fortune Hunters of Mistmoore

10. Did You recently betray to Your current class (how long ago) ? Nope

11. Are You raiding high end content elsewhere on another toon? (elaborate) No

12. Are You able to run Ventrilo on Your system and do You (at least) have the possibility to listen in on the conversations going on (e.g. have a working headset/speakers) ? Yes

13. My goal in game is to find a group of people that I can support and that can support me. I've been back in game about a month, and really am looking to expand my understanding of my character and find new challenges.

14. In the 2 raids I've attended I think I've been able to add benefit to the raid force. I continue to learn new ways to keep up other players :)

15. Have you created your character(s), including the one you are applying with on the Event Signup System? Yes
ESS >> Kaynala, 80 Fury :: Raenarys, 80 Illusionist :: Stewpud, 54 Guardian
< Mistmoore Eternal Knights >
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:29 pm

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