Let's get the ball rolling again ..

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Let's get the ball rolling again ..

Postby Debillus » Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:09 pm

So, we had a quiet Christmas and a few slacker months since RoK went live to get our characters leveled to 80, our quest lines progressed and our spells upgraded.

By now, most of us have seen - at least - our main character through the RoK zones and questlines. And content is starting to go sparse. What a bloody marvellous oportunity to start clearing up some of the KOS/EOF stuff we never finished, and ever so slowly getting started on the ROK raid zones. <i></i>

Raiding in ROK is way tougher than KOS, keep that in mind. We need ourselves pretty much A3ed out completely before we stand a chance in those zones, and the level average of the raidforce needs to be very close to 80. We have had a few attempts at the raid content with not much luck so far. Well, my hat off to the event planners that took us there, if for nothing else, to show us what we need to prepare for. Seeing these scouting missions as failures is unjust if you ask me. Now we know what to expect, and we need to prepare ourselves for it.

One way to do so, is to do a lot of the 1 group instances in RoK, that in may aspects are comparable to mini raids by themselves, both in level of difficulty and in the level of rewarded items. This fact is also part of the explanation why The Pub has been lying rather dormant lately. You don't really need a raid force to do a one group event. Our guilds do that fine, by themselves. It is however not the only way to gear up for RoK raids.

The EOF raid zones (we never saw through) still holds a lot of very nice fabled gear that holds the line towards most of the RoK gear you get in groups or by soloing. We all also still have quite a few T7 spells/ca's that newer saw an upgrade into Tier 8. Those of us still needing masters for those would want to come to EOF for that reason also. Finally, personally, I'd really like to complete the EOF zones, just like we did all the KOS ones. There's still a good potion AA experience from first named kills, and discoveris in MMiS / EH and FTH for us to grab at.

In conclusion.. I will start setting up regular raids again every Saturday. Targets will be divided on two agendas :

1) Mains Runs .. EOF Raid zones, FTH/MMiS/EH/New Tunaria
2) Alt and Quest Runs .. KOS/EOF Raid zones for Claymore completion among others.

Once we close in on our intended target, being the ROK raid zones, I will shift focus to the easier ones. Meanwhile, lets get the player base matured a bit towards that end, let's have some resources and experiences to draw from - strategy wise, and let's remember that EOF was out when the Pub started, but we still spent the first 6 months in KOS getting ready.. Apart from the level gap, this is no different.

When I die I wanna go peacefully, in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror, like his passengers.
ESS >> Debillus, 80 Mystic :: Alminox, 80 Brigand :: Frelling, 80 Monk :: Manamenam, 80 Necromancer :: Deboom, 47 Warlock
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