Downtime and Maintennance

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Downtime and Maintennance

Postby Debillus » Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:46 am


The server that runs experienced a blackout at around 1am GMT Tuesday morning leading to the untimely demise of the harddrive that holds the VMWare host and the operating system.

The virtual webserver is safely placed on a seperate harddrive and was not affected by this, but it took me a little time to get XP and VMWare Server installed again.

I will be pulling the plug at some time before the weekend to replace the defunct harddrive. Expected downtime should be less than 1 hour and will probably take place around 6pm GMT friday evening.

When I die I wanna go peacefully, in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror, like his passengers.
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